Sunday, January 5, 2014

Soldier Letters Home to Loved Ones
       Receiving a military letter was not like receiving any ordinary letter. Soldiers were almost gone for almost three years before they could see their loved ones, and a letter went out every ten months probably. Parents,wives,and other family members were waiting for that letter. They are with tension because they do not know what is inside the envelope. Letters were sent home for a variety of reasons like a death of a soldier, or a simple I miss you. Usually, these letters home were open in private before they spread the news to their family or kept it to themselves. These letters were the only form of communication that soldiers had during their time at war. Almost all soldiers pleaded their loved ones to write back to them as soon as they could. The family felt relieved from good letters and the soldiers liked to hear from their family. Three years is a long time from home and there are many changes back at home among family members and the society. Letters were very crucial to soldiers life and improving his time at war as well as keeping close to family. 
Soldier Letters Home.Photograph.n.d.Military Letter Writing
examiner.Web.05 Jan.14.     

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